Monday, June 23, 2014

The Enemy of Creating Yourself is Resistance!

"The enemy of all creativity is resistance"- Steven Pressfield, "The War of Art"

The inspiration to write this post has already come through me, but I put it off thinking it could be done later. As I am just finishing the book, The War of Art, I realized that I fell under the resistance. I resisted writing this post. So if that's the case then I wonder how many times I have resisted creating the life I truly desire for myself. Have I been missing on all the opportunities to pursue the strongest and healthiest version of myself IN and OUTside the gym? Did I miss out on all the opportunities for me to write a blog, start my own business, open up my own gym, start a podcast, pursue a beautiful woman, and /or create my own website? The quote at the top of the post rings loudly in my head as I find anything and everything to procrastinate and feel comfortable. I know now why I will watch shows, eat comfort food, talk about the hardships of my work, and continually seek more information. It's my way of feeling okay with myself and where I am. And that is FINE, but it's not going to get me where I want to go.

No matter what you may think of yourself, you are blessed with the capacity to create. We all have creative gifts that we have been given. Those that seek to explore and develop them will find meaning in the work they do. Whatever that meaning is, I am certain that it is something that uplifts and fulfills not only your soul, but that of several others. When we aren't pursuing what we want in life, it shows. We are disgruntled with the same 9-5 job, we hate our bosses, Friday is our favorite day!, vacations are glorified, and we wish we could just win the lottery. However, we know that the lottery wouldn't solve all our problems. We have to solve it.

Enter Wellness

There's no better way to initiate our creative pursuits than creating the way you want to look and feel everyday. I don't care what you are doing. Artist, Jewelry designer, engineer, Astrophysicist, Writer, it doesn't matter. If you want to access more of that creative "umph" to do your work, then get out of your own way! Be the healthiest and strongest version of yourself so you aren't tied down by low energy, restlessness, lack of sleep, weak joints, needless trips to the doctor, 5 hour energy drinks, and being owned by prescription meds to feel better for a few hours. This is your number one priority! Hell, it is your birthright to pursue this. Fuck genetics. You can change the expression of your genes if you simply take responsibility for how you move, what you eat, and how you live your life. Okay rant over, back to the post.

Pursuing a continual state of wellness IS overcoming resistance! You are empowering yourself with the tools to look and feel your best so that you can BE your best in whatever it is you do. You always hear the metaphor  "The gym is a metaphor for life". See what I did there? haha, well it is! The barbell, the dumbbell, the stone, the sled, the pullup bar, or the MOVEMENT itself is an opportunity. You can tell your brain to recruit certain muscles, breathe, and send auto-correcting feedback to move the weight in the gym. You either get crushed by it and collapse, or you empower yourself to do what is necessary to overcome it. 

The same goes for nutrition or healthy lifestyle habits. You can choose foods that comfort you in the moment, or you can choose foods that extend your life and optimize performance in every area of your life. The very lifestyle you lead can dictate how "WELL" you feel. In order to continue doing what you want to do, you have to be "WELL" enough to do it. You choose! It's all about overcoming your own resistance to feeling amazing. 


You've heard the old adage "suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret", and the many variations thereof. I want to offer a different perspective on how to look at discipline. We have been taught that we have to work hard to get where we want to be. You have to discipline yourself to get shit done right! While there is truth in this, it scares the living bejeezy's out of people. I've heard from some that discipline feels like a drill sergeant shoving a baton up their ass, while he yells that they aren't good enough and they HAVE to be better. The imagery is impeccable. 

I invite you to see it from a different perspective: LOVE. I began to adopt this way of thinking after reading a blog that Strength Coach, Charles Poliquin posted a month ago. He noted that you either love something enough that you will do something about it, or you don't. He used analogies like " You either love eating this krispy kreme to feel good for a few minutes, OR you eat this tasty meal of steak, greens, and quinoa to feel good for a lifetime". We can extend this to you either love the comfort of succumbing to resistance, or you overcome it. I believe that this train of thought really forces you to question your priorities. It also gives you the ability to empower yourself and overcome any obstacle in your life.

You love yourself enough to train the habits necessary to be the healthiest and strongest version of yourself. From this space, anything is possible. Why? Because this character trait that you are developing through pursuing wellness spills over into every single thing you do. 

So do it not only because you have one life to live, but because your dreams, inspirations, and creative aspirations depend on it. 

Overcome resistance my friends,


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