Thursday, March 28, 2013

So I'm about to do this juice cleanse!

So we hear about it all the time: "Yo man, I'm about to do this juice cleanse. Ugh, I don't know if I can do it, but I think it will be good for me....I bet the toilet and I will become well acquainted."

To confirm: Yes you will be well acquainted with the toilet. Yes it can be a tremendously healing and detoxifying experience.

The times have changed. We don't eat, move, or lead a life like that of our ancestors. We have UN-wilded into an explosion of processing and convenience. In some ways, it has benefited us, but when it comes to what we consume, I would debate otherwise.

There are foods that are packaged in boxes with ingredients that are barely pronounceable, let alone comprehensible. What we call meat has been genetically modified several times, that I question what mystery food we are really eating. Our vegetables have been sprayed with pesticides with the expectation that it is safe to consume for human beings.

Unconsciously, we are consuming foreign materials that are bodies aren't meant to digest, absorb, and assimilate. Our body talks to us by presenting symptoms like elevated liver enzymes, indigestion, sugar crashes, bloating, mucus, inflammation, and the difficulty of losing "pesky" fat. However, it's often ignored and chalked up to "oh that's just the way it is"....
It doesn't have to be.

So what does this have to do with juice cleansing? Well the consumption of conventionally farmed and processed foods have led to us accumulating toxins, waste, and  harmful microorganisms that are now residing in our colon and our fat cells.  It's one of the many reasons we don't feel at our best. This is where someone begins to think about juice cleansing. It's a way to clean out our colon, infuse our body with nutrients rich in vitamins and minerals, and clean out our fat cells so that there is room to actually use fat efficiently for energy ("burning the fat"). However, it doesn't have to be a pure juice fast. As a matter of fact, I feel as though integrating whole foods, juices, and smoothies are a great way to "cleanse" your body. I believe it is a more complete and balanced way of re-vitalizing our bodies. You don't exclude nutrients. Integrate.

OR as I like to call it:  RE-WILDING our nutrition closer to that of our ancestors.

Some of my daily "cleansing habits" :

1) Drinking a liter of water in the morning with some lemon.

2) Drinking a green smoothie consisting of:


-Handful of organic spinach
-Cucumber slices (half the cucumber chopped)
-1 tablespoon of coconut oil
-1 frozen banana
-1/4 cup of blueberries
-1 Tablespoon of local honey

Don't let the green-ness throw you off. You can barely taste it. Instead, it ends up being really enjoyable and energizing!

3) Getting some form of vegetables with every meal. One way to make sure that you are eating clean and fresh vegetables is by joining a CSA (community supported agriculture). I just joined my co-worker, Bekki Callaway's CSA and its a great investment into my health. It provides a really convenient way of ensuring that I get a variety of fresh and local vegetables every week. To find out more, visit Join a CSA!

4) Picking meats that are from grass-fed, non-antibiotic/hormone fed, humanely treated, cage-free, or wild sources.

5) Eating grains or other carbohydrates that aren't refined, modified, or bleached. Organic brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes are great options.

These are just some ways you can keep your body functioning at an optimal level. If you want more ideas about whole food, juicing, or smoothie cleansing check out my friend Tanuja's page from  The Love Your Body Project.

Also we will be collaborating on a tele-seminar April 16th (free of charge!) that will help you discover the secret to knowing how to consume foods that are best for your body, how to move and exercise in ways that are suitable for you, and how to manage your overall health from a well-rounded and complete perspective! The information is truly invaluable.

To sign up click the link below:

The Secret To Intuitive Wellness  . I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Much Love,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't let fear be an excuse for IN-action.

"Decision is the ultimate power" -Tony Robbins

In the face of new experiences or uncomfortable change, the human body seeks patterns of comfort and safety. It's almost like a computer program that automatically turns on when we get confronted with the brand new stimulus. It can be a new job, a new relationship, a lifestyle change, a nutritional change, or a new movement that looks scary as hell. It can look something like this:

Client overcoming her fear (one of my favorite moments) :)

Client: "There's no way... You better stand there...or someone better stand right there"
Me: "Focus on the movement. Arms back, hips tucked back, knees bent, chest up. You got this!" 
"Shit here we go...."                                              

"Did you see that?!"

It's a funny thing though. I remember as a child, I'd be fascinated by things or experiences I hadn't seen before. It's like I ran towards those things with full resolve to pique my infinite curiosity. "The colors!.. that looks funny..I want to be able to do that... I want to try!" Sound familiar? Maybe its the kid you noticed on the playground trying new things that their parents didn't approve of. Maybe it's your child. Maybe it was you, once upon a time.

We are told to be careful, to be calculated, proceed with caution..insert precautionary disclaimer here _____________. Yes, I agree there is an element of assessing your options, and making sure you are being safe in the process. But, when did that become a reason to not act at all. I feel as though the more we calculate, the more we assess, and the more possibilities we run in our mind, the element of the unknown becomes apparent...FAST. The unknown is scary. I admit, I fear the unknown too. Heck I feared judgment for even writing this post. However, I know what waits on the other side is the opportunity to grow. The opportunity to self-actualize into a better version of yourself. That's more inspiring to me than any fear or challenge. Don't get me wrong, I still feel the fear, but the difference is acknowledging that its there. Realizing that however rational or irrational it may seem, it exists for a reason.

Let me paint a physiological picture: New opportunity is presented-->

You feel your heart beat a little faster, you feel your skin getting a little warmer, and you feel your muscles tense up. It's like your body is getting ready for something.

It's like kid president says "you got air comin' through your lungs! You got a heart beat...It means it's time to DO something" (If you don't know who kid president is, look him up on youtube. I guarantee you will be inspired!)

Whatever that something is, you have a choice. As a matter of fact we ALWAYS have a choice. You are choosing to read this blog post right now. You could have looked at the title and said....naw I don't want to see what this is about. But, I'm glad you decided to read on and give this post a chance.

You can either RUN like hell, or use your heightened physiology to change your mindset, change the way you eat, change the way you move, and transform your life! The decision is yours.

Much love,

Friday, March 15, 2013


My name is Sumair Bhasin. As you can see in the picture below, I am always working on being the best, most optimal, and strongest version of myself.

Through hours of studying, application, experiencing different diets, playing with concepts, and moving in ways I thought never possible, I've immersed myself in the health/wellness field for over 10 years. I've always had an affinity for movement, human physiology, and the mind. The fact that I am sitting here writing this fascinates me. I begin to think about  the intricate movements of my fingers and the overarching central command of my mind and spirit.

These are the seemingly inconsequential things that I think about. As a matter of fact, everything about our human existence interests me. Some may find it weird. I find it awesome.

The purpose of this blog is simple. It is a medium in which I choose to share my ideas and experiences to help you become the best, most optimal, and strongest version of YOURSELF.

Being healthy goes beyond just "exercising" and movement. The body is deeper than that. We are fully integrated organisms comprised of connected and co-dependent systems. The circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, our mind, and spirit are all connected. They are actually communicating to each other right now as you are reading this post. 

So I invite you to see your body as a whole rather than segmented parts. From that space, I want to help you  build intuitive relationships with yourself and people around you, have more clarity, be energetic, feel vital, be fit, experience the world more, take care of you and the people around you, and run after your passions like your life depended on it. Because it does.

This is a holistic and complete way of looking at health and well-being. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. However, I am open to other ideas, suggestions, and perspectives. It helps me grow as a person and fosters a community where people can do the same.

Why should you listen to me?

Everything that I talk about are things that I have experienced or are currently putting into practice. I don't just preach, but I walk the walk every day. I'm currently a personal trainer, I have an M.ed in Exercise Physiology,  I am a health and wellness coach, a health NUT, a personal development devotee, and a lover of LIFE!

It is important for me not to play small and help people only in my community, but to help as many people as possible. If even one person is inspired by the information I provide, then I have done my job.

I have a big vision...

I want to build a community of people who want to optimize their human potential. My hope is that this will liberate others to do the same!

So I invite you to join me in this journey, share your experiences, and transform your life!

Sumair Bhasin
Holistic Health/Wellness coach
ACE certified Personal trainer
Med Exercise Physiology