Friday, March 15, 2013


My name is Sumair Bhasin. As you can see in the picture below, I am always working on being the best, most optimal, and strongest version of myself.

Through hours of studying, application, experiencing different diets, playing with concepts, and moving in ways I thought never possible, I've immersed myself in the health/wellness field for over 10 years. I've always had an affinity for movement, human physiology, and the mind. The fact that I am sitting here writing this fascinates me. I begin to think about  the intricate movements of my fingers and the overarching central command of my mind and spirit.

These are the seemingly inconsequential things that I think about. As a matter of fact, everything about our human existence interests me. Some may find it weird. I find it awesome.

The purpose of this blog is simple. It is a medium in which I choose to share my ideas and experiences to help you become the best, most optimal, and strongest version of YOURSELF.

Being healthy goes beyond just "exercising" and movement. The body is deeper than that. We are fully integrated organisms comprised of connected and co-dependent systems. The circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, our mind, and spirit are all connected. They are actually communicating to each other right now as you are reading this post. 

So I invite you to see your body as a whole rather than segmented parts. From that space, I want to help you  build intuitive relationships with yourself and people around you, have more clarity, be energetic, feel vital, be fit, experience the world more, take care of you and the people around you, and run after your passions like your life depended on it. Because it does.

This is a holistic and complete way of looking at health and well-being. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. However, I am open to other ideas, suggestions, and perspectives. It helps me grow as a person and fosters a community where people can do the same.

Why should you listen to me?

Everything that I talk about are things that I have experienced or are currently putting into practice. I don't just preach, but I walk the walk every day. I'm currently a personal trainer, I have an M.ed in Exercise Physiology,  I am a health and wellness coach, a health NUT, a personal development devotee, and a lover of LIFE!

It is important for me not to play small and help people only in my community, but to help as many people as possible. If even one person is inspired by the information I provide, then I have done my job.

I have a big vision...

I want to build a community of people who want to optimize their human potential. My hope is that this will liberate others to do the same!

So I invite you to join me in this journey, share your experiences, and transform your life!

Sumair Bhasin
Holistic Health/Wellness coach
ACE certified Personal trainer
Med Exercise Physiology

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